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Seven Dating Deal Breakers

How is this set of criteria working out for you? Have you ever had a date? Dating

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My latest rejection story

He may genuinely lke you but MAYBE he is living with a girlfriend. Or maybe he just broke up with a girlfriend. Or maybe he is homosexual. His response doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. Flirting

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Wholesome and open relationships should be normalized. Why aren't they?

When you say "open" relationship, do you mean a relationship in which both of you have the freedom to have sex with people other than your partner, or do you mean a relationship in which you feel... Dating

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How to Plan a Wedding: A Step-by-Step Guide

. . . and be ready for SOMETHING to go wrong on the wedding day, despite your best efforts! When I planned my wedding in 2011, everything was fine, except that the bartender never showed up! Marriage & Weddings

1 y

Is it opposite attracts or similarities attracts?

These two ideas are both represented in "truisms" and sound as if they MUST be true: Birds of a feather, flock together, and. . . opposites attract. There are many pairs of opposing truisms in... Relationships

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Nevermet LDR: Fantasy or reality?

I don’t doubt that it’s real or that there are genuine emotions invested in such relationships. I only react when people suggest that it is, in every way, equivalent to a traditional relationship. Relationships

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How To Get a Man To Reply Faster

Why does your generation judge people on the basis of how quickly they respond to text messages? Is it THAT important? Dating

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What is the purpose of the electoral college, and should it be abolished?

The Electoral College gives disproportionate power to smaller states, enhancing the sense of "union" and reducing incentives for states to secede from the union. Society & Politics

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What are the benefits of marriage for men these days?

Marriage never fails people. It is people who fail each other. Marriage gets a bad rap bcause people expect every day of married life to be like a picnic and they aren't willing to work on the... Marriage & Weddings

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Last Contest of 2022 is already here!!!

I will be away from December 26 to December 30, vacationing in the mountans of north Georgia. G@G Community

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I have come to the conclusion that a man should never date any woman over 30 days.

If that's the kind of women YOU choose to date, then that is probably a pretty good rule FOR YOU. The rest of us have had better luck than that and been in satisfying long term relationships.... Dating

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Why the Young Generation's Victim Mentality will not Help Them Fix the World

Nailed it, but I have one little thing to add. I think our generation did the same thig when we were younger. Society & Politics

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Guys, Stop Ruining Your Chances with Women With Your Mindset

Our current culture encourages young people to find someone else to blame for whatever doesn't work in their life, because that creates a feeling of helplessness that makes people more easily... Dating

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Billionaires are evil

It is very easy to tell other people how they "should" spend their money, especially when the dictates are clother in a moral imperative. You should save this and re-read it in 2042. Society & Politics

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All MyTakes: Living Under a Dictatorship

Dictatorship? "That is something that only happens in other countries; anyone is stupid if they thnk it could happen here!" That is what fools believe. Society & Politics

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Living Under a Dictatorship: Grey migration

I am so very fortunate to be a citizen of the US by birth (and a lifelong resident of the State of Florida by the grace of God.) Not once in my 67 years have I ever needed to contemplate... Society & Politics

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Who SHOULD Pay For the Date?

I am quite fortunate in this regard. 1. In my age range, it is simply expected that a guy will ask a girl for a date, and then the guy will pay for the date. This is the traditional plan for which... Dating

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Living under a dictatorship: changes for worst

I am American and have never been exposed to a dictatorship. I have dated a woman who lived in Nicaragua and a woman who grew up in the USSR. I am certain of only one thing about living under a... Society & Politics

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Does Anyone Think That Prison Re-habilitates Anyone?

Prison is a nasty place where no one wants to go, yet where some deserve to be. However, there is no rehabilitation there, and it is where danger lurks and cruelty to others dwells. "Prison is an... Society & Politics

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Everyone wants a honest, sincere and genuine person so what does that mean when it comes to texting habits?

My rule for texting in relationships is. . . don’t do it. Texting is ambiguous and impersonal. If I have something important to say, I call and we have an actual conversation! Dating

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