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1 mo

Raising retirement age

I am 69 years old, healthy and active, and still working full time. My fiancée is 60 years old so I will probably work for at least five more years. I'm sure it will be better than staying at home... Society & Politics

4 mo

Dating Tips for Women

Every point you made is valid and important. Good work! Dating

4 mo

Dating Tips For Guys

1. Stop going to the most expensive @$$ restaurants For younger guys on a budget, I agree. A first date doesn't need to be a $100 per person meal at a five star restaurant, but. . . if I take a... Dating

4 mo

What do you think of this Christmas text?

I think Jesus existed. Society & Politics

5 mo

What does it mean to only be interested in Long-Term Relationship?

I think this means: “If you are only interested in casual sex or a relationship without long term commitment, keep looking because I am not The One for you.” Relationships

5 mo

In dating is it bullshit when they break it off and say it is due to you making assumptions. Or was it just some game play to test you?

Yes, it sounds like your assumptions were most likely well founded and they didn't want to see you, so instead of being hinest they blamed you for making assumptions. So, yes, it is bullshit, but... Dating

5 mo

How to survive a dictatorship: Part 1

I think it is impossible for Americans to understand life living in a dictatorship. Society & Politics

5 mo

Why You Should Never Get Back With Your Ex?

Don't Do It! Don't Do It! . . . Damn, You Did It! Attempting to reconcile is almost always a horrible idea, and maintaining contact with an ex is also on the list of bad ideas. Break Up & Divorce

6 mo

Why people are so busy today, and what's it really mean in dating when they're too busy?

I never delved too deep into that excuse. I always assumed that it was a lie - for whatever reason - and that meant there was no future with this lady, so it’s time to move forward with some being... Relationships

6 mo

Guys... why it's important to SMELL GOOD on a FIRST DATE.

I always believed that you might actually score points with a girl if your after shave reminded her of the way her dad smelled when she was a little girl. I'm a traditional guy, anyways, so I have... Dating

7 mo

Please Stop The Blame Game About "Having to Pay" for a Date

For my generation, the guy pays for every date. It is not a question. It is not an issue for discussion. It is automatically assumed. And I can afford to pay for my dates. I normally suggest an... Dating

8 mo

Living Under A Dictatorship In 2023

We will pray for you, your family, and your country. Society & Politics

9 mo

Men need to stop consuming anti-women media, they are shooting themselves in the foot.

Every guy who falls for that nonsense is one more guy who leaves the competition and makes it easier for those who remain. Why would I want those guys to wake up? Society & Politics

9 mo

5 Tests That Women Use On Men, That Men Should Stop Tolerating While Dating.

I actually prefer a dinner date at a nice restaurant because I want to see her at her best, see how she conducts herself to make a favorable impression, etc. and the places I would take a lady for... Dating

9 mo

Where Do Your Values Lie?

Interesting story! People who live paycheck-to-paycheck experience misery not knowing if they will have the money to pay the electric bill this month, or have money to buy groceries. For them,... Marriage & Weddings

9 mo

Tips For Ending A Long-Term Relationship

I wrote a very similar myTake about five years ago: Let's Be Practical: How To End A Relationship And Minimize The Stress! We have very similar thoughts on this subject! Break Up & Divorce

10 mo

Requiring drivers to retest when renewing their license

Are there any jurisdictions where this is already required? If so, are there measurable results? Society & Politics

10 mo

Being a DA female

No idea what you're talking about. I tried googling DA and got dumb ass, district attorney, drug abuse, domestic abuse, dental assistant, dead animal and I'm guessing that's not really what you're... Other

1 y

Seven Dating Deal Breakers

How is this set of criteria working out for you? Have you ever had a date? Dating

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