Being a DA female

As empty as my soul lol
As empty as my soul lol

I'm a DA female. I just want to rant about being so whole teenage years I was called a bitch and cold. A prude because I never dated and it used to hurt me a lot though I pretended that it doesn't.

I was so confused about why I could never date and why I always felt so disconnected. I could only feel one thing and that was anger. As I grew up into my early twenties I was still single. No matter how many men asked me out or showed interest, I saw it as an inconvenience.i hated when I was sexualised, when I was called attractive or when anyone hit on me. I felt like a piece of meat and it didn't help that those guys never really liked anything about me except my face.

For the longest time I thought I was asexual. I met a guy who was someone I wanted to try dating at least once in my life. But I treated him so badly. He would ask me out and I'd say yes and then have cold feet. He tried for 2.5 years and in the end I broke his heart and never spoke to him again. I went out with him once where i didn't speak a single word.. I absolutely loved him but i didn't know how to express it. If he double texted me I would get this strange feeling of being suffocated. I knew I couldnt love him the way he needed to be loved. I would hurt him because he wanted more. More physical stuff and emotional stuff. I couldn't provide it, it was asking too much of me. See I didn't grow up with a lot of freedom, it was the first time I could do whatever I want and so I couldn't stay and waste that freedom. I am so young... I don't want to make a mistake when it comes to love. I know the person you choose makes or breaks your life. They are one of the longest investments you will have of your peace of mind, patience and your mental health.

I rely entirely on my thinking because I'm not able to gauge mine or other people's feelings. So I would tell people to tell me exactly when something is wrong because I literally cannot tell when someone is avoiding me,angry at me or even happy. Nothing sacres me more than someone relying on me. I thought something was wrong with me. Finding my attachment style saved my life. This need for academic success and the hyperindependence has destroyed my happiness.i push people away so hard and when they come back I don't respect them..because whose that spinless?..and then I cut them off completely.

I've realised that the best thing I can do is to not date till I've solved this. I have good days and bad. I try so hard to change but sometimes I think... why should I love and care?... what's wrong with being me staying the same?.. then something bad happens like me ignoring friends birthdays, avoiding calls, not leaving my room, and also breaking hearts,leading people on for some quick validation and the look on people's face makes me HATE myself. The guilt makes my skin crawl. It makes me stonewall like crazy and gaslight and ignore.

I realised my words were empty. I could say I love you without meaning it,plan a future with you and act like I love someone while secretly feeling like I'm drowning. I would keep it in my heart till one day it becomes so bad I run away. And I would run away all the time. From men, health problems,family problems and any minor inconvenience. I know my upbringing made me this because I see a lot of my father in me. Why is it so easy for me to say I love you to someone that means nothing to me??... why is it harder to be affectionate to someone I genuinely like? Why do I feel like it means too much amd that's its embarrassing to tell or show someone you like them?.

I promise that I'm trying to change. I use a feel wheel for God's sake to understand what I am feeling!. Mostly overwhelmed and suffocated. I want to change my life. I am tired of running. I think I've changed after doing the inner work and something mildly triggering happens and I'm back to square one. I feel like I'm wearing a mask where I socialize and have friends and act fun and make jokes but when I am alone, I don't think of other people,out of sight and out of mind.

Being a DA female
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