Would you date the guy or girl you like if they did not want or could not have kids?

I've liked a guy I met at work in 2019 who I lost touch with cause I failed to find him on his last day of work to exchange numbers - I think he returned to his post but I no longer work there and got into a huge argument during my last week of work so I have almost no chance of getting rehired now since the other managers do not know how hard I worked before I got into that fatal confrontation - there were three managers who liked me a lot but they no longer work there in the same capacity since CoVid affected jobs

Anyway - I realized even though I like this guy and he probably likes me - he might not be able to handle being a father because he has health issues - I never thought God would force me to not date a perfectly kind and loving guy but there is the possibility he might not be able to have kids so if I want children I have to choose somebody else
Would you date the guy or girl you like if they did not want or could not have kids?
81 Opinion