3 Reasons to Feel More Beautiful When Surrounded by People

Since the beginning of time, I have always considered myself a social creature who likes to engage in social events, activities, etc. Recently I've been spending more time alone and realized that is has been impacting my self-esteem. Whenever I go to school or work, I am genuinely happier to be surrounded by people. So, why is this? I realized that we as humans love to be in the company of other humans to make us feel better about ourselves. Now, let's begin

1. More compliments

From the second I step out of my home, to the second I walk back into it, I am constantly being complimented by other girls who will love my outfit, or by guys who will like my appearance. Yes, I know what you're probably thinking. WOW this girl is full of herself, but I'm can honestly say I'm not, but I do crave attention every once in a while as reassurance that I am not a complete slob roaming the streets.

2. Best image is out

Which brings me to my next point which is looks, yes I know looks aren't everything, yadda yadda, but they do mean something, take a moment right now and go outside and observe someone you don't know. I can bet you that you noticed something about their appearance first and if they looked not their best then you probably wouldn't have even given them a chance to get to know, am I right? Yes, well, I don't see this as a bad thing, I see it as an opportunity to always put your best face forward and present yourself to the world as you want to be remembered because people will notice you and compliment you for being yourself and that makes me feel beautiful.

3. Guys take notice

Here I go again talking about looks and how a guy can notice you but genuinely, I always feel like I'm on top of the world after a cute guy comes up to me and compliments my appearance, I mean why wouldn't I be, he just took time out of his day to compliment me and the way I look, and yes it might just be to get in my pants but it's the words that matter, those words that a guy will utter, "I just had to say you're looking beautiful today", or even the cliché pick up lines. Yes, those hated cliché pick up lines as degrading as some may be they are also ego boosting.

So, yes appearance is everything and yes it is also just the surface that we present to the world, but the way you look is how the world views you at first glance, so when I am surrounded by people I always feel more beautiful because people will compliment me more than I would even consider complimenting myself. People are a necessary thing to have in your life, whether it is your friends, family or maybe even a stranger, people are truly amazing creatures.

3 Reasons to Feel More Beautiful When Surrounded by People
3 Reasons to Feel More Beautiful When Surrounded by People
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