My Crush's Mom Stalks Me on FB? What Should I Do?

Well, so this morning I decided to check my FB on my phone because my blogger friend sent me a friend request, and I noticed that I have another notifications.

I put my photo with my crush, along with all of my classmates (we are beside each other in the photo) as the cover photo, and suddenly a woman I don't know (friends with my classmate) requested to tag my photo. I approved it, and it turns out the photo she was tagging is my cover photo.

Then I decided to open her profile, and found out that she's my crush's mother! Her mutual friends are only my crush, my crush's older brother, and one of my classmate.

Now what should I do? How did she find my FB? I rarely use it, and I've never talked to my crush on FB. Is there a possibility that she saw my messages with my crush?

We're high school students.
My Crush's Mom Stalks Me on FB? What Should I Do?
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