Will I regret not having a 16th birthday party?

I turn 16 in just over a week and to be honest I haven't given it any thought- I haven't had the time to care in all honesty :/ I'm not really sure if I should have a party as I've never had my friends from school around before- I have friends out of school and I've had them round before so that's ok.

But besides that, I'm not sure if I should have anything resembling a party (more than 4 people). They're loud and crowded, which freaks me out a bit, and they're just not nice in general.

The problem is that I'm worried that when I'm older I might look back on this and regret not doing anything big for my 16th birthday.

Should I have a party? Should I bring my school friends or my out of school friends? Or is my apathetic stance on birthdays totally normal? Any answers are appreciated :D
I didn't have a 16th B-Day party and I regretted it ;-;
I didn't have a 16th B-Day party and I have no regrets :D
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Will I regret not having a 16th birthday party?
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