My bestfriend and her boyfriend want me to have a threesome w them?

So her and i are both 16, her boyfriend is 17. they’ve been dating for about 4 months now and kinda wanted to spice things up. I’ve never had sex, but they’re looking for another girl to have a “threesome” with. the other girl wouldn’t actually be having sex with the guy, just doing other stuff ya know? anyways they asked me if i’d be up for it and i think it would be kinda fun but i don’t want to ruin my friendship with either of them, my best friend can also get jealous but she insisted she really wanted to do this. anybody been in a similar situation? i need advice. i’d be comfortable doing it i just don’t want to ruin my friendship with my bff. i feel like it’d also be awkward. I don't know
do it since you’re semi comfortable w it. it will be a funny moment to look back on
don’t do it, your friendship will be ruined and you’ll be scared for life
girl I don't know do whatever tf ur little heart desires
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this probably doesn’t change anything but the guy is very self conscious of size and my friend was saying he only really does stuff when it’s very dark, this would take away the awkwardness i was scared of
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guys i really need more advice, if you don’t want to leave a comment please vote, it helps a lot :)
My bestfriend and her boyfriend want me to have a threesome w them?
14 Opinion