Americans - and Americans ONLY - why do you own a gun. ?

I want more than "it's my right". If we wanted to simply do things based on a "right"

Then it's my "right" to run over your dog, your cat, your child, your spouse, your parents, your siblings, your friends or you in the middle of the road. Vehicles have the "right of way" on the roads so why is it not my "right" to run you down if you're not using a crosswalk?
1 y
2nd - I made the comparison to point out how STUPID people are saying it is "my right" to own a gun. Saying things are "my right" is like a child saying it is their right to eat cookies but never brush their teeth. Limited to no comprehension of potential harm. Many people who own guns actually hurt themselves or others by accident...

In the United States, it is "my right" to RUN YOU DOWN if you are jaywalking. There is NO LAW that says I have to stop. That was the point.
Americans - and Americans ONLY - why do you own a gun. ?
89 Opinion