What is an example of one of your “Do as I say, not as I do” moments?

Sometimes we know the correct advice to certain situations but we don’t always follow our own advice. At least I don’t 💀 I tend to listen to my heart rather than my head. I also just don’t care about myself.

For me, it’s: don’t get your partners name tattooed. Don’t. It’s stupid. Do I have my partners name tattooed on me? Yes. But YOU shouldn’t 💀

If you do, make sure it can at least be covered easily.
is mine going to be easy to cover just in case we split one day? Not at all. It’s on my head. In big bold black fucking letters.
So I’d be walking around with some ugly black blob of a cover up behind my ear.
but yanno what? Yolo 🤠🤠🤠

1 y
also just relationship advice in general. It’s very easy to have opinions on someone’s relationship when you’re on the outside. you get blinded by love and feelings when things go wrong in your own relationship.
If someone told me that their partner cheated, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell them to break up. But I’ve forgiven cheaters myself
What is an example of one of your “Do as I say, not as I do” moments?
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