23 d

Have you ever felt like you’re losing yourself? How did you heal from it?

My husband and I lost our 2nd baby at the end of march after 5months of pregnancy. My husband starting working again and he moved on. I’m sure he feels sad too, but he’s strong somehow. I’m not. I have an appointment with a therapist in the summer (waiting list).

I’m being a bad wife right now. I’m reconsidering everything; my job, my future, my life choices, my daily routine, even my marriage. I won’t leave my husband, but I’m feeling unhappy being attached right now. I’d rather travel, meet new people and start new hobbies. I need new experiences to focus on. I feel like I’d help me heal. But that’s not an option. I have another child to take care of, a partner to be reckoned with and no money to do so.

I don’t know how to deal with this grief. I’m not happy anymore, I feel lonely, I fantasize about being single and carefree again. I don't know how to keep smiling and being happy for everyone. So many people are expecting in our environment and it’s killing me.

I don’t do my house chores properly anymore, I’m sleeping so much but I keep being tired, im a bad wife to my hubby and lately I sometimes need a glass to be able to be emotional (not weekly, I have this under control). But I don't know how to move on. I’m stuck. So therefore my question:

What is your story? Did you ever felt like you were losing yourself? How did you fix it? Or what are you doing right now to heal?

Have you ever felt like you’re losing yourself? How did you heal from it?
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