The Friend Zone And Nice Guys Revisited


The friend zone and nice guys revisited
The Friend-Zone

The friend zone does not exist. It's simply people who form their own reality and then complain.

The Friend Zone And Nice Guys Revisited
Let's be friends:

Does a guy need to take up any offer of friendship? No.

No one is obligated to a friendship with their rejector. If they don't want you then move on and walk away unscathed. Choosing to be friends with someone after rejecting you implies you understand no romantic involvement will ever occur between the two of you.

A woman doesn't friend zone a man. A man friend zones himself. If you want to be with someone go for it, if they don't want you back don't choose to be friends with them after. All a woman can do is offer it, it's up to you to accept or deny that request.

We're already such good friends:

You cannot expect anyone to reciprocate the same feelings toward you simply because you've invested time into them.

Why bother putting the effort into cultivating a friendship just to completely change the dynamic of your relationship? That is a hard switch not many people have the desire to make. The only way something like that works is if the woman has had previous feelings for you in the past, or currently feels the same way.

Turning around and dating your friend is not a glamorous proposal. Friends are entirely different from boyfriends. If you are a friend then I must reiterate that implies there isn't a possibility of romantic involvement.

Self proclaimed "Nice Guys"

The Friend Zone And Nice Guys Revisited

I haven't seen many self proclaimed nice guys in person, but I have been friends with a few. Each one of them were awkward as hell and really weren't that nice. They had terrible social skills and from what I've seen a lot of self proclaimed "nice guys" have this skewed vision on what a nice person is.

* Being sensitive does not mean you're nice

* Being romantic does not mean you're nice

* Telling people how nice you are, does not mean you're nice

* Having low self esteem does not mean you're nice

*Being a push over does not mean you're nice

The guys I met who have coined the title of niceness for themselves have nothing to offer. They were just like everyone else yet for some odd reason felt they were some unique little snow flake. They were obnoxious, a push over, a coward, or a pervert. They had nothing to offer other than romanticism and their low self esteem. They thought a relationship was going to solve all their problems and make them happy when that's not how relationships work. A few were on drugs, a few were crazy, and a few would verbally abuse themselves over the most trivial of things.

Relationships are for stable people, not unstable ones. A girlfriend isn't going to fix your problems. Happiness is a choice, and just because you practice the basics in human kindness doesn't mean you're as extravagant as you think you are.

Don't expect someone to be attracted to you because you're a good listener, called her pretty and held the door open for her. Take time to develop your character and go after women who show the same interest in you. Don't chase after the girl who doesn't want you and get bitter about it.


The Friend Zone And Nice Guys Revisited

Nice guys do finish first. The ones that are actually nice because the reality is nice people don't think they're nice.

Genuinely nice people aren't aware of their niceness because they don't have to try. Nice people are that way because they think that's how people should be. They don't think they're doing anything special by doing the right thing, they do the right thing because it needs to be done.

Anyone who constistently tells you they're a nice person is lying to both you and themself. If you have to constantly put effort into being nice, then you aren't.

The Friend Zone And Nice Guys Revisited
42 Opinion