Can an Age Gap Relationship Actually be a Good Thing?

Can an Age Gap Relationship Actually be a Good Thing?

I think age gap relationships could be a good thing. The guy would already be sure of what he wants, so as long as she is honest with him and doesn't change, he will likely be happy with her long term.
And the girl will have much less chance of getting used for sex by a college age guy that is busy partying if she chooses someone older that isn't partying.

The older guy probably won't need to relocate far away for a job either and can stay in the same town/area where he already is.

For older men (I'm talking older men, NOT old men 50+ etc. The couple in the pic have an 18 year gap, April Love Geary, 22 and Robin Thicke 40) if he pursues a younger woman, she is less likely to have kids from past relationships, less drama from a bunch f exes, and has had less bad experiences so she can still have a trusting relationship and not snoop around all the time accusing him of stuff she imagines herself due to so many bad experiences in the past. I think an age gap relationship can be good for both people.

The important things to consider is, she shouldn't be choosing an older man based on finances, and he shouldn't be choosing a younger woman based on trying to impress friends.

He will likely want to start a family within a couple years of starting the relationship, and if she goes to college, it would need to be more local to be home each night as a family. Of course many colleges are online now, so that isn't nearly as big of an issue as it would have been in the past. If he is like 15 to 20 years older, he needs to be the type to exercise a couple times per week. Need to stay in good enough physical condition to raise kids and do stuff with them as they grow up.

They should both choose each other because they have common interests, morals, and long term life goals.

Can an Age Gap Relationship Actually be a Good Thing?
Post Opinion