How I Know That I Should NOT Be Married! 👀

How I Know That I Should NOT Be Married! šŸ‘€

To be perfectly clear, I am only talking and referring to myself and what is best for my life. I am sharing this because there are some people out there who are not sure about what they want out of life (romantically) or at least...they are questioning šŸ˜‚ so I hope my perspective can be a little helpful or enlightening in some way.

Companionship comes in many forms

Seriously. There are several types to choose from... and I donā€™t see why I should have to give into pressure from friends, family, and society who expect me to pursue companionship for the rest of my life.

There are lovers, platonic relationships, acquaintances, friends, soul-mates, and team mates. Any of those could be enough for me and I have the right to pick and choose what I want as long as itā€™s not physically hurting anyone else.

That means I also get to reject whatever I want (in this context), and I choose to reject the lifelong romantic lovers deal...

So far, my goals have remained consistent

I can say that Iā€™ve always known who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do since I was a little girl. Of course some of my side hobbies have changed and you know...LIFE has kind of forced me to figure out an adjustable plan for myself.

But no matter how much the small details have changed, my big goals have always been consistent and right now I am on the right path. My future is bright and I cannot wait to get started in my field! And marriage was never apart of that. I wasnā€™t one of those girls planning a wedding at age 5. Instead, I was one of those girls who was planning out an academic future at 5 šŸ˜‚

To be clear, just because I want to pursue a career doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m super concerned about money and financial stability. This is not about financial independence vs family.


I do understand and recognize that marriage is supposed to be about so much more than sex and physical intimacy...BUT!!! Sex is still a really big deal and a lot of times the sex can make or break marriages. I do not want to feel obligated to have sex with someone. I donā€™t want to have to force myself to open my legs just to fulfill a contractual agreement. I donā€™t want to sign up for some weird form of rape šŸ˜‚ If I am not in the mood, thatā€™s it. Yes, so many people would say Iā€™m selfish...and I donā€™t disagree šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø

Man or will not have entitlement to MY body. I just believe that if two (or morešŸ‘€šŸ˜‚) people are going to share their bodies, BOTH should want to in that moment. There are plenty of people who feel sexually unfulfilled in the marriage because the other person doesnā€™t give it to them...and I donā€™t want to have to deal with that. Because I know me. I donā€™t find sex necessary for my life, so it would not be fair to someone else if I were to marry them and deprive them of what they consider needs.

Iā€™m not asexual or anything. I like sex, I do have sexual attractions. But I donā€™t feel the need to act on anything. Sex is like candy...Iā€™m okay without itšŸ˜‚

Children are lovely but they may not be my reality

I mentioned before that LIFE kind of forced me to plan out my somewhat unexpected ways.

I got sick...long story short...I cannot have biological children anymore.

A lot of times, people in a marriage believe that in order to complete their picture of family, they must have children. I am a lover of all people, but I lean more towards women generally. Hypothetically, If I were to marry a woman, adopting wouldnā€™t be as big of a deal. But if I were to marry a man, then it would be slightly more of an issue. I donā€™t know why, but it seems like dudes want bio kids more than women. They seem to care more about passing down dna a little more than women.

But anyways...there arenā€™t a lot of people (that Iā€™ve come across) who want to get married and not have children at all. And thatā€™s the thingā€”I still want kids. Iā€™m just not concerned about marriage.

i donā€™t need or want a romantic companion to have an adoptive child. There are plenty who disagree with single parenting, but I donā€™t really care šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m not retarded. I understand what it takes to raise a child. And I believe someday I will meet that criteria, and when Iā€™m ready, I will happy to go on that journey *alone*. One parent is much better than none at all.

But again, I am not retarded. Iā€™m not dumb or stupid or incompetent. Adoption is hard. It is long and costly. There is a good possibility that I will not meet all of the criteria it takes to adopt a child alone in the eyes of the government. So, even though I may want to adopt, I still may not be able to. There are not a ton of people I know who wouldnā€™t even be willing to entertain a single mother or a woman who doesnā€™t even plan on being a mother eventually.

and Iā€™m 100% okay with that reality.

*i also do not want to compromise how to raise MY child...varying opinions are appreciated but that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll listen šŸ˜*

I do not have what it takes to be in a long term relationship

I would definitely put my own goals before the relationship, therefore I donā€™t need to be in one šŸ˜‚

I have had two serious relationships, even though I am 23 šŸ˜‹

One ended terribly, the other ended wonderfully.

From both experiences, I can acknowledge that my feelings dont last long enough to satisfy the other person. I will listen to your problems, empathize, nurture, and soothe you all day...AS A FRIEND šŸ˜‚ maybe even a lifelong friend. But not as a lover, not for long.

I also do not want to cater to anyoneā€™s ego. People love to feel needed, I do too... but I donā€™t have the patience or the compassion to entertain that in a standard relationship.

So many things could change but...I doubt it will

Pretty self explanatory... I change my mind all of the time!!! But not about big things. I could be totally transformed as a person 20 years from now with a completely different mindset. And I will embrace that change when/if that occurs. But I doubt it will have anything to do with marriage. Iā€™m young, yes. But Iā€™m also a strong willed, independent thinker. So we shall see šŸ‘€

How I Know That I Should NOT Be Married! 👀
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