Good personality and a good character are two different things.


Many people fail to realise the difference between a good personality and a good character.

It is important to know the difference especially in relationships.

And character should only be judged in "personal" relationships.

(Don't judge someone's character if you have no right over them, if they are not a part of your personal life, if their actions don't affect you or if they are not doing anything illegal)

Personality is more about how you carry yourself but character is more about what you believe in.

Personality is something we see on the outside but character is what a person is like on the inside.

"Not everything that shines is gold."

Therefore, not every person with a charming personality will be morally correct.

Not every person with a charming personality will make a good partner.

Good personality and a good character are two different things.

Prince charming = a good partner?

Good personality and a good character are two different things.

The concept of "Prince charming" is very interesting because being a "prince" is about wealth and surname and being "charming" is just about the personality not character.

Even villains can be charming like Prince charming.

Captain Hook from a Once upon a time
Captain Hook from a Once upon a time

Handsome + charming personality = And still a villain

We always see these charming villains in movies and dramas, where the audience admires the villain's charming personality even though they don't agree with the actions, and sometimes the most soft spoken one turns out to be the serial killer.

Someone can be charming and they can still cheat on you without letting you see the warning signs or red flags.

People with charming personality can be dangerous because their charming personality prevents people from seeing the warning signs or the red flags.

Even scholars say that Anti-Christ will have a "charming" personality to manipulate women.

He will use charming personality to gain women's support.

Good personality and a good character are two different things.

I drew these conclusions after watching lots of dramas where the negative character had a very charming personality making the character very deceptive, manipulative and calculative.

There were many times where the audience liked the villain's charming personality and even admired the villain's charming personality.

This is because even a negative character can have a charming personality, which is the case in many fictional stories but that also gives the audience a message. And the message is that we should not be too mesmerised by someone's charming personality especially in our personal relationships.

And this same message was given in the story of "Pride and Prejudice," where the lady judged two men too quickly. She only considered their personality not their character. That story was a case of a good character with a bad personality and a good personality with a bad character.

Good personality and a good character are two different things.

Good personality differentiates a tyrant from a role model

Having said that, I don't want to completely discredit a good personality because for me personally a good personality and a good character are both equally important because having a good personality along with a good character doesn't hurt.

The way we say things is also important. The way we fight for causes is also important.

Even the bitter truth can be conveyed in a dignified manner because the purpose of bitter truth is never to spread bitterness but to end bitterness to have peace.

Even in history, teachers always told us to consider whether a leader used peaceful methods or violent methods even if the cause was good.

Good role models and tyrants both had good causes but good role models used "peaceful" methods whereas tyrants used "violent" methods. Both had good causes but the "way" they fought for their causes differentiated a "tyrant" from a "a good role model."

Therefore, many role models from the past are more known for their peaceful methods than their cause.

Good personality and a good character are two different things.
Known for his peaceful methods not just the cause
Known for his peaceful methods not just the cause

Finally, this is also a message for girls who get confused between a charming personality and a good character, when it comes to relationships.

Sometimes, bad boys win just because of their charming personality.

Good personality and a good character are two different things.
Good personality and a good character are two different things.
Good personality and a good character are two different things.

Thanks for reading! I typed all this on top of my head and selecting pictures are always time consuming then the content itself but pictures speak a thousand words.

Good personality and a good character are two different things.
6 Opinion