If your boyfriend flirts with his own girl friends, is it right to be mad?

So my boyfriend has a lot of girl friends he has known... And he's also a flirt by nature, been a flirt even when I first met him and I did like him being that 'sweet' guy, until I realized he also does this to everyone but he choose me as his girlfriend... I guess that's the major difference really that he can be intimate with me and we have the label, but he still is a flirt.

So I looked at his Facebook and read his comments... and I see he made a 'suggestive' comment to his friend (known her longer than he has known me) about being 'naked together'. Is this right? I know it doesn't sound like it (the girl is single I believe... I'm not 100% sure and nor have I met her) but maybe I'm overreacting and shouldn't bring it up because it shows I'm becoming way insecure and untrusting, can't take a joke, too serious, etc. She replied along with his comment and said she'd be OK with the offer.

Should I leave it or bring it up to him? And if so, how should I without being nagging and looking at his every move? lol
If your boyfriend flirts with his own girl friends, is it right to be mad?
1 Opinion