Lusting over someone else while in a relationship?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over a year. I love him so much and can't imagine my life without him (1,2,3... awwww). He is also my first boyfriend i've had. Things are so so good with us and we're always talking about kids, marriage, moving in etc.. But lately I find myself somewhat crushing/lusting over another guy. He's in my program at school, and we have all our classes together, so i see him everyday. We sit next to each other in a couple classes. He has a couple of the same interests as me, like lifting and counting macros, which my boyfriend doesn't (i dont mind). The other night he was my dream and in the dream we ended up kissing and i think we had sex too.. at least there was talk of it. I woke up so guilty and I told my boyfriend about the dream and he laughed.
When we talk together alone, before class or something, i don't feel nervous, and i enjoy our talks. I find myself thinking about what it would be like experiencing somebody new. He and my boyfriend are completely different personality and looks wise. I dont think I would/could ever cheat on my boyfriend. Is this normal? Should I tell my boyfriend about all this? im so confused and feel so guilty.
I love my boyfriend so much. I'm so comfortable with him, everything is so easy, he is my only friend.

Lusting over someone else while in a relationship?
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