I feel like my boyfriend is incest w/ his sister?

His family life is really private. His sister doesn't even have social media only Twitter which she only post ever so often on it. (she's like 20) and his parents are the same way. all his parents do is retweet stuff and they all glorify her (retweet her tweets, all her pics) I mean all of them! he isn't on Twitter but he has a fb which he never goes on. I noticed whenever we get all mushy or close and I start feeling loved he'll bring up his sister like some random thing about her. he also seems to put her before me like all the time. I never felt I came last like that in someone's life until I got with him. today I was talking about the subject incest and said I knew someone I think is doing it and wasn't direct about it cause I didn't want to make things awkward. until I mentioned id bring it to that guys parents cause they need to watch the two he was all "who are you talking about?" and then he responded with "wtf I don't do that wth u talking about?" like why does he thinks I'm talking specially about him. it makes him look guilty and it's just weird. this is my gut instinct and brain. I just find it all weird how much they glorify her and keep things so private.
I feel like my boyfriend is incest w/ his sister?
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