Been dating a girl for nearly 2 years and nearly no intimate situations including sex. What should I do?

Hello! So I've been dating this girl for nearly two years now. I absolutely love her and would do anything for her and i love spending time with her. To start this off i want to point out she is a virgin, and she isn't religious or waiting to get married. Anyways, for the time we've been dating I've been nothing but supportive in taking our time to actually have sex. As of lately we had a talk about the relationship getting boring and how i just stopped doing cute date/lovey things and thats why we haven't moved forward on actually having sex. She then openly said she was feeling uncomfortable with the fact that i wanted to get into her pants every time we hung out (it was on my mind quite a bit). Basically i apologized that I've stopped trying to do those things because it wasn't getting me anywhere. No intimacy what so ever... But i said i was wrong and said i would try harder. In return she try to be more intimate with us, and she agreed. Then for the next week things did start to get better with dates and intimacy. The following week she left for a vacation for 2 weeks with her sisters and when she returned i had a romantic night planned and it led to no intimacy and i didn't even try to initiate just because i am scared for her to feel like i want to just get into her pants... Anyways I've been working very hard on coming up with spontaneous adventures and date nights and she's complimented me on it, but ever since the following week to our talk she hasn't had any interests in anything intimate.. I've even tried to lead into something but zero interest.. Not sure what to do at this point.. Should i ask her about it and bring it up? Or just break up with her?

Forgot to add she's a huge workaholic, and its hard to make time for each other between both of us working 6 days a week. Also we are both 25 and i am not a virgin.
Been dating a girl for nearly 2 years and nearly no intimate situations including sex. What should I do?
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