Ladies! Does your heart beat faster when you are in proximity of your boyfriend?

I was leaning with my head towards my girlfriend's chest (we hug and cuddle a ton!), where her heart is located. I placed my ear towards her chest and I could hear her heart beat like maybe harder than usual and more frequently. Compared to me, I'm naturally laid back and calm and I don't think my heart beats faster but maybe that's just me. One thing is for sure: I love hugs and cuddles.
I assume that she likes me so much and as such her heart beats harder and faster (just like in the cartoon series).

My questions are:

1. Is this common and/or normal?
2. Is this (indeed) a sign, that a person loves someone?

I love Love. Liebe ist fantastisch 💖🦄
Ladies! Does your heart beat faster when you are in proximity of your boyfriend?

Ja, that's normal and common. When a woman loves her man and is in his proximity then her heart beats faster/harder
Nein, I don't think so
This has not been my case but I know of some other cases
Results (I'm an incel; I can't get a GF/BF; I'm a MGHOW/WGHOW/Monk/Hermit/WOW raider/single4lifer)
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+1 y
Oh wow, my girlfriend really loves me 😍☺
I'm happy and lucky to have her ❤
Ladies! Does your heart beat faster when you are in proximity of your boyfriend?
12 Opinion