My girlfriend wrote a pros and cons list about me. What should I do?

She is married, but her husband cheated on her first and is abusive. I am 32 years older than her. I found a pros and cons list about me and her husband on her work desk.

Her cons were:
1. He can't manage money at all (even if he won the lottery).
2. Other people say the age gap makes him a predator.
3. My friends say he is desperate.
4. Might be after divorce money.
5. Is a renter and has bad credit (irresponsible)
6. Kind of controlling.
7. Makes comments about other women in front of me.
8. Can't give me another blonde-blue-eyed baby again, for sure. (Her and her husband are both blonde-blue-eyed and I have brown eyes)

She says she loves me and I really thought she did. Her son passed away a year before we got together. She was really depressed, but being with me seemed to make her happy again.
My girlfriend wrote a pros and cons list about me. What should I do?
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