How can we fix the male/female direct/indirect communication gap?

Just talking things out. No need for things to get heated.
Just talking things out. No need for things to get heated.
No doubt about it, men and women have a definite preference for how they communicate.

My understanding of what men want:
1. You wish women would be more direct, say what they mean, feel, and want.
2. By not doing this, you feel it sets up men as being expected to guess what she wants/expects, and to be mind-readers.
3. This indirectness makes you crazy. You believe it creates unnecessary confusion, chaos, and anger.
4. You want women to be more straightforward and forthright like men because you believe male society deal with issues more directly, quickly, and moves past them, without holding grudges as long or as intense.
5. You want to know what the expectations are, and then you will decide whether you can meet them or not.
6. If you care about her, you want to make her happy. You don't mind being told/asked, as long as it is done nicely.

These are my theories why women do not want to be more direct:
1. They don't want to be seen as demanding or nagging.
2. They think you will think their expectations of you and the relationship are too high and unrealistic.
3. Ideally they want the idea or gesture to come from you, as it will mean more if it was not prompted.
4. If they ask you or tell you what they want, and you don't do it or want to eventually do it, it will be disappointing, depressing, or a point of contention and future confrontation.
5. They would prefer to get their way/preference, but know not every battle is worth fighting, and as they realize it is a preference, not a need, it's not worth getting into conflict over.
6. They think you will say they are acting like your mother, and they also want to be just your partner, not a reminder of an overbearing or controlling past parent figure.


Given all this, what can/could be done?
Aww, so happy.
Aww, so happy.
Also somewhat related:
Girls, why when men ask, 'What's wrong?' do you say, "Nothing"?
+1 y
Is this your indirect way of saying something about me?
How can we fix the male/female direct/indirect communication gap?
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