Bread or love? What will u choose?

I just got fired.. I’ve been working in this company for 1.5year.
I feel like got back to the status before I found that job...
my previous jobs are all short. ( 5 jobs are all around 3-5 months ) The longest is 2years But it’s just part time job.
I feel tired and lost. Wonder will I have to spend the rest of life being that unstable and keep finding...
My boyfriend knows nothing about it. (We dated for a year) I feel bad telling him that I got fired and he doesn’t Know that I changed so many jobs before.
I want to stay with him but who would love to be with an unstable person like me? :(
I don’t think he will give up on me for short term thing like that. What I worried is if it turned into a long term unemployment or keep changing job situation...
even true love can be destroyed by that...
that’s how brittle it is...
I know there are some rich old men who can offer and some guys just need a housewife after married. So the wife can just choose work /take care of housework , kids /both. Just not so much pressure... since they are not relying on u.

I’m too scared of being judged or disliked by lover.. don’t know what to do.
Will you choose bread (rich old men) over love?
Bread or love? What will u choose?
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