My wife and I have been together for almost 6 years now and I still catch her lying all the time we just moved and because she was busier at work and I was she asked me to clean out the different desk pack and unpack for my home office and hers found a book leave some sort of diary from before we were together where she clearly list different guys that she had sex with and things about the better relationship with a very odd way I say that to say she's always lied to me about the number of men she slept with and use the number about half of what I saw this notebook and the notebook leaves out me and her past two boyfriends who she lived with I'm as someone has had a very colorful past don't understand why she still has a lot of me about these things when they come up especially since she's usually the person who brings them up
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They dislike when their boyfriend knows them to well i met a girl though her walking in on me sleeping with her friend she can’t by to brag to the girl she gave two partys dcery guy heads the nighy before party 2 was totally strangers witch is why she needed to borrow clothes she was naked bukkaked they had taken turns her bdby over good in driveway she let thnk finish on face butt anywhere she has such a nice butt u couldn’t stop look away Sam said he wants you doggy over me us kissing ( I’ve don’t thst to her lots) the girl didn’t hesitate or get upset I unloaded in her thrice