Why are people warning me about my crush?

My crush and I have known each other for a year and he likes me as well. But something I don’t understand is one of my male cousins that he talks to would sometimes tell him to stay away from me, and the next minute he kinda nudge him to talk to me more, etc. And I’ve also heard from other people he associates with warning me about him and watch out for him. But the way they put it, they sound like they’re just joking around with him, but even then it makes me second guess my crush. I overheard from his associates about him talking to a few other girls, he says he doesn’t have a girlfriend, and he seems legit and honest and he’s respectful and helps me a lot. I wanna ask him more about the “rumors” but I don’t wanna bring it up out of nowhere. Especially since we aren’t even dating, but I would like to at least know the truth before proceeding any further with my feelings. What should I do about this?

P. S.
He did have 2 crushes that he used to work with, but they don’t work at the same place anymore and he broke contact with them.

My cousin once told him he should ask me out because he wouldn’t want my crush to miss out on a nice girl (He was referring to me).
Why are people warning me about my crush?
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