Which gender should lead the relationship?

For me, the answer is "D". Yeah, most men want to lead, and most women want the man to lead. But see how I said "Most" and not "all"? Because not all men and women want traditional roles in their relationships. At the end of the day, we're all individuals.

Some happy relationships are equal, some are female-led. So I'm not advocating a total return to gender roles like the Red Pill community. But I'm also not saying that masculinity and leadership in men is toxic and that all women should want to be bosses, like SJW feminists.

For me, who leads the relationship should depend on what both parties want. So I'm kind of in the middle. Man is in charge? Okay. Woman is in charge? Okay. Neither is in charge, and both have equal power? Okay. Live and let live. That's MY personal opinion.
It depends on the individuals
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Which gender should lead the relationship?
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