Is it normal for a boyfriend to not act like a gentleman towards his girlfriend?

My boyfriend wants to be in charge of everything and be the alpha of the relationship. Not just the relationship, but he's the manager at his job and acts like that too. Before we dated he was nice and was super polite. I don't know what happened but it disappeared two weeks after meeting him.

I can be bossy and act a little independent at times but it's to protect myself from being a doormat to him. He is paranoid that I'm cheating on him or flirting with other guys but he does nothing to show why I should even still be interested in him in the first place. We don't spend that much time together, doesn't give me attention but gets mad when other guys give me attention. He also expects me to do everything for him and give him attention.

What I noticed about him the most is that he rarely helps me out with anything. The only time he wants to help if he sees someone else wanting to help me. I will (and have) ask men for help but MOSTLY another man will see me and help... and my boyfriend sees them helping me, he either gets mad at me for not asking him or joins in to help me at the last minute. One time maybe a few months ago, I was doing something, and he told me if i needed any help to ask him but after he said that he disappeared.

My boyfriend is a gentlemen, just not to me. I've seen him help an elderly woman cross the street, hold doors for other women, walk other women to their car (female friends and not just at nights), lift something for another woman without them asking! Instead of helping me, he will PURPOSELY disappear and find a distraction or help someone else including strangers. I can’t ask for even the simplest of things such as moving a chair or hanging something on the wall without him debating if he should do it. He would help another man before helping me.
Is it normal for a boyfriend to not act like a gentleman towards his girlfriend?
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