Guy I’m with has been ignoring me for 2 days I’m scared to stick up for myself?

I’ve been dating this guy for like 3 months. He has periods where he’s moody and hot and cold but he’s never left me on delivered for longer than a day it’s usually just 20 ish hours. We’ve gotten more intimate recently not sex but other and he’s been very affectionate and now all of a sudden he’s pulled away, he messaged me the other day and was being so nice I replied and now he’s left me on delivered for 2 days?

he's never seen me like stick up for myself, I used to like baby him whenever he’d be moody or do stuff like this. I just used to be nice to him and call on him checking he’s okay but it’s getting annoying now imagine the guy you’re dating does this all the time for 2 whole days? Sometimes I think he does it on purpose since he’s been like this since he was younger I’ve known him for 8 years.

shall I confront him About this in an assertive manner? I’m just scared to stick up for myself in case he calls me ‘too much’ or I’m being ‘too dramstic’ but if I left him on delivered for 2 days he would be driving by my house wondering where I am and wouldn’t speak to me again.

im scared to show that side to me in case he hates it and calls me too much? I’ve never confronted him before I just let him get away with anything
Guy I’m with has been ignoring me for 2 days I’m scared to stick up for myself?
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