Am I a dick if I only want to start a serious relationship with a girl between the ages of 18-21?

Im a 26 yr old male for reference. I don't know why I’m posting this maybe I just wanna stir the pot, maybe I’m just trying to get a reaction. But I’m serious. I don’t think it’s fair that I just miss out on the age when my potential wife is the most attractive to me and to men in general. Yes men by and large find women 18-21 the most sexually attractive. This is completely normal, google it if u don’t believe me. I never had a girlfriend I’d actually consider dating between those ages and I don’t feel comfortable just missing out on it. And yes I fully ready to die all alone and just stick to casual the rest of my life. Why r u guy’s thoughts on this?
Am I a dick if I only want to start a serious relationship with a girl between the ages of 18-21?
22 Opinion