How do you feel about your partner being friends with someone of the opposite sex? Does them being gay/bi change your views?

*This is a hypothetical question, you can vote and explain your answers even if you are not in a relationship.*

*There is a ‘results/Not Applicable’ option for those in same sex relationships, feel free to comment your views on your partners having friends of the same sex.*

I’m personally okay with it, as long as the friend knows of me, and is respectful of me and my boyfriend. I trust my boyfriend.
How do you feel about your partner being friends with someone of the opposite sex? Does them being gay/bi change your views?
I don’t mind if my partner has friends of the opposite sex, regardless of their sexual orientation.
I would prefer if my partner didn’t have friends of the opposite sex, but I’m okay if their friends are gay or bi.
I would prefer if my partner didn’t have friends of the opposite sex, but I’m okay if their friends are ONLY gay, not bi.
I would prefer if my partner didn’t have friends of the opposite sex at all, regardless of sexual orientation.
I would prefer if my partner had no friends at all.
Results/Not Applicable
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
How do you feel about your partner being friends with someone of the opposite sex? Does them being gay/bi change your views?
80 Opinion