How come people keep on harassing me on my choices in for making short films and featuring whoever I want?

So I'm sick and tired of my friends and people criticizing me for my film making art. I make short films and sometimes I feature some of my favorite artists in there. It's fan art and thats what fans do. My friends thinks that my films are creepy cause I feature my favorite artists in there and says that I act like a juvenile. My friend said " She kicked you out of her fan club cause your creepy and make juvenile films ". My friend is not supportive at all and it frustrates me so much. I joined a few film makers groups on facebook to submit my films and he says that I will get kicked out of that as well. I don't get how can I get out of a film maker group for being a film maker, it doesn't make any freaking sense. Why do people keep on harassing me for my choices in my films and who I want to feature? How can I get people to stop harassing me about this? I want to be able to continue making these films for my youtube channel and people keep on harassing me.
How come people keep on harassing me on my choices in for making short films and featuring whoever I want?
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