Is finding out your partner was a school bully a reason to break up?

My boyfriend hasn't broken up but our relationship hasn't been the same ever since he found out weeks ago that I bullied other girls and 2 guys in my school years (grades 8th to 10th).

He's said he's disappointed that I never shared that information and told him in his face; that it didn't came from me. Instead he found out about it. Others from my school told him and some other evidence he won't tell me about. Then he asked me ''I'm assuming you've apologized right'', to which my answer was a ''No, I didn't. I wanted to forget about it''.

Needless to say should this even be a reason to break up? This happened 6-8 years ago already.
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I'll admit.. the reason I haven't apologized is because I don't feel too remorseful about it. I can't think of a moment I've ever felt remorse. I felt simple guilt, bad when accidentally bumping into someone but not that ''oh I'm sorry for ruining your years, will you ever forgive me'' type of remorse. Nope
Is finding out your partner was a school bully a reason to break up?
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