If your partner did this to animals, would you break up?

My friend/co-worker (25 M) is reconsidering his relationship. He found out his girlfriend (23 F) used to play a game with animals. They included cats, small dogs, squirrels, hamsters, etc. She called it ''Captive n Captor''.

From what he told me, it was either burying them for a bit, submerge them under water for a few seconds, making them fall in a hole and trap them for several minutes or any of those trapping games. She eventually released them. She never killed an animal, just trapped them for a bit. She didn't like being with the same captive for too long. She was between ages 8-11 years old.

Would that still be animal cruelty? Would you break up if you found that out? He's having a hard time with the out of boredom and control part.
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If your partner did this to animals, would you break up?
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