How do you tell someone “no” the nice way?

Alright so there’s this friend of mine, we’ll call her “Heather”, who struggles a bit financially. I’ll chip in and help pay for her groceries and gas every now and then without expecting anything in return because I get regularly paid really well. I’m currently stationed in Hawaii so you can imagine how important it is for me to budget. Lately, Heather has been asking me and a group of mutual friends to buy her video games and “skins” or whatever. Occasionally, I don’t mind whenever I can swing it. But now it’s becoming a weekly and even daily thing. Every week she’s asking us to buy her something she doesn’t fuckin need or trying to manipulate people into feeling so bad for her that they cave and buy her whatever the fuck she wants. What pisses me off is the fact that she has a boyfriend. I’ve managed to skirt around buying her shit for the past 2 months or so but she’s starting to get really pushy and I’m doing my best to not go full Soldier mode and tellin her to fuck off. So before I do something unnecessarily mean, how do I approach Heather about the situation nicely?
How do you tell someone “no” the nice way?
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