Is my partner being weird about my job?

I work in a mostly male dominated job (motor industry), and have done for over 2 years now. My boyfriend is fairly interested in cars but not overly, and would never want to do the job I do.

However, I feel like he’s being a bit weird about my work recently? He doesn’t really care when I speak about work and makes that obvious, he constantly tells me he knows more about cars than I do like it’s a competition? He started an argument the other day about a type of car, and basically said I’m stupid for thinking that style of vehicle is good and I only think that because of my work, and I was just saying that everyone has different opinions and he doesn’t have to like it, he’s allowed to like what he wants and I’m allowed to like what I want. He genuinely went to sleep mad about it.

Also I bought a car which was a bit newer and better and he literally almost broke up with me over it? And said I should get an awful smaller older car instead even though it cost the same on finance. He acted like it was an awful car but I could tell he really liked it when he drove it.

He’s also trying to convince me to leave my job and move, but I love my job and we can’t afford to move right now. When I explain that I love my job he basically thinks it’s stupid and criticises me for wanting to be in the same job for life and calls me boring.

He’s an amazing person in all other areas and is sometimes completely fine about it but it’s just super strange.

Why is he being like this? I just want him to be supportive, I’m really supportive with everything he does.
1 y
I work in sales
Is my partner being weird about my job?
6 Opinion