I am attempting to reconcile with my ex but he thinks he's a 'high value man'?


Me and him separated some 3 years ago because he ghosted me after our open relationship set up made him jealous (open relationship that we BOTH agreed to have). The break up was really hard on me and I struggled a whole lot to come out of it.

When me and him met up again I found out that his life has went very much downhill in those 3 years. He lost all his friends, he lost some money, he is stuck in a dead end job on the same low salary and still lives with his mum, he spiralled into racism and hanging out with soon-to-be terrorists, his sexual partners are weird 50 year old swingers because he can't do any better. In that time I managed to move out, get a 6-figure job, about to buy a house, had a good stable relationship, travelled the world etc. I really liked this dude before and I still like him now so I said hey ho, life gets to all of us sometimes, fine, I'll see if I can see him through this.

Maybe 3 months into us hanging out again and I find his Telegram account and scroll through it and what I saw was just gross. It was filled with filth about POCs and women. He had a whole list going on about when it's fine to fuck around with a woman and it included things like 'if she is over 30 and has a cat', ' if her body count is above 10' (his is double that), 'if she slept with POCs' (he has dated Asian girls and kinda fucks whoever he can get). In the first 2-3 months, he sent me a few Andrew Tate's vids but claimed to 'hate the guy' although he only said it's coz Tate is obviously a scammer. I didn't really know what to make of that then but now I know he wasn't sending these videos ironically. Certainly, it seems like there is a lot in those videos that he secretly believes in.

Like I fell for this guy when we were just 19 but now being with him makes me feel like I'm sleeping with the enemy. He keeps telling me that he wants to change etc. What should I do?

I am attempting to reconcile with my ex but he thinks he's a 'high value man'?
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