Should I message her again?

I had a relationship with this girl years ago when I was a teenager. I liked this girl a lot but I never got chance to tell her how I felt about her before it was too late. She said she wanted to end our relationship and that we could be friends, she never gave me a reason why even though I asked. I think she mistook my affection for ‘needyness’ which must’ve killed her attraction for me or maybe it was because I was shit at sex as I was only young at the time and inexperienced, however this is only speculation as she never actually told me this. As I said many years have passed since I last spoke to her, I deleted her off all socials apart from Instagram because I simply didn’t want to see her name and what she was doing etc so do you think enough time has passed that I could message her again and maybe start a relationship again as it’s almost been 5 years. The only thing that’s stoping me is that I’m not as confident as I was 5 years ago and I don’t want that to kill my chances with her. However I’m more mature and humble now and I can still tap into that confidence it just depends on the situation, basically I’m not confident 24 7 like I was back then. Should I add her Snapchat again or find her number and message her? Im keeping my expectations low of course.
Message her
Don’t messege her
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Should I message her again?
2 Opinion