Why won't my a. d. d. boyfriend allow me to sleep?

Ok so we've been dating for four years now. He has severe a. d. d. mind you and I have my own set of mental problems. If I don't get my sleep ill start talking to walls it's that bad. Anyway I love the guy except for this one flat, I get he's excited to be around me but he talks so much I can't do anything else. I keep trying to explain to him he doesn't have to entertain me 24/7, but he also has severe o. c. d. and tends to go overboard on the talking. He doesn't understand, or maybe can't control his talking even with the medication. I've told him to tell his psyche about the problem but he doesn't seem to think it's a problem! It's a coping mechanisms for him. What other coping mechanisms can I introduce him to do besides medication, cause that's obviously not working. I'm losing sleep by the minute and the wall talking is inevitable to come! Maybe I'm just not doing it right... I plan on being with him the rest of my life it's just this one flaw is driving me insane! Also any suggestions on how to tone him out? Cause yelling doesn't work and neither does crying. Thank you ( I'm tired of being the bad gal).
Why won't my a. d. d. boyfriend allow me to sleep?
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