Found boyfriend on tinder. Was our relationship just a game to him?

I had a gut feeling that something was off in my relationship. We normally see each other all the time but these past 6 months it’s been long distance. I made a fake profile on tinder to see if I could find my boyfriend and I did, with updated pictures on his profile.
We met on tinder almost 2 years ago but I just assumed that he would have deleted the app considering the fact that we say “I love you” and talk about a future and one day living together. We have also had multiple conversations throughout our relationship about talking to other people as this is something I have never been comfortable with. He is always very reassuring about the fact that he doesn’t talk to other girls. Was I wrong to assume he would have deleted tinder?
when I confronted him about it he tried to turn it around on me and said stuff like “if you wanted me to delete it you could have asked”, “you’re telling me you don’t talk to other people” , “I made the mistake of shutting out options before”. This was all over a text as he would not pick up the phone to talk to me about it or meet me in person.
he also invalidated my feelings about the whole thing as he said that I should not be angry as he has not actually done anything with anyone, and that he is not in love with anyone else.
I’m now questioning everything. I keep thinking that it’s my fault because I should have asked him to delete tinder. I really believed everything he told me about seeing a future etc, but now I’m not sure if it was all just a game to him and if anything he said was real? Was he just telling me what I wanted to hear the whole time?
Found boyfriend on tinder. Was our relationship just a game to him?
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