Why is my ex still shit-talking me behind my back?

It's been more than 3 years since we broke up. We used to have a thing going on, but she eventually admitted that she got with me just so another guy got jealous. We stopped talking for some time and we eventually started talking again as friends. She had gotten with a toxic narcissist that found every excuse to beat people up.

A few months go by and I ask her that we discuss our breakup because we left many things unsaid. She said she understood and I thought it was fine, but she told of this to her boyfriend who got triggered immediately and came to "talk" with me. He was really aggressive, but he did tell me my ex was shit-talking me behind my back. She was saying I was obsessed with her and that all I did when we were together was make her feel awkward. When he left I found her and chewed her out big time. She started crying, but I didn't feel sorry for her. Her boyfriend did though and he punched me. I punched him back and he fell to the ground. I then left immediately and I had never heard of them until now (more than 2 years later).

A friend informed me that after he acted like he didn't know me well, she started telling lies about me. She said that her boyfriend was justified in punching me and that I was a legit psychopath. I had honestly forgotten about her for a long time. Why is she still interested in making me out to be the bad guy. Fuck her!
Why is my ex still shit-talking me behind my back?
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