I want a woman without a romantic past. What are my options at this point?

I am 27, almost 28, and I never had a real girlfriend. I am a frontend software engineer that makes good money. I work remote from home, so I spend a lot of my time alone.

I am seeking a woman that has the same inexperience as I am. I am wanting a woman that has never had a boyfriend or a close romantic bond with a guy before, especially from her youth. I want me and a woman to be each other's first loves.

I came very close one time to getting that. Two years ago, I met this girl online. We hit it off and talked every day. She never had a boyfriend or even a male friend before she met me. She was also a virgin, a devout Catholic, and homeschooled with 6 other younger siblings. Sadly, shortly after her 18th birthday, she rejected me upon meeting in person. She eventually met another guy who she married and got to be her first everything. I am still devistated about it till this day. I want to find another woman like her when we first met.

I am starting to think I may have to look for a wife abroad, like over in Asia like Vietnam or Thailand to find what I am looking for.
Still a chance
Hardly any chance
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I want a woman without a romantic past. What are my options at this point?
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