Was this a cheapskate boyfriend type of move from me?

Was this a cheapskate boyfriend type of move from me?

When i had my first girlfriend and i made just somewhat above minimum wage whilst financing my bachelor's tuition fee and paid my own rent alone and she studied on the state's budget (i lived alone) i needed to buy myself some new shoes and my then girlfriend came along with me to the mall. The shoe store had an offer where i could take 3 pairs of shoes and pay for only 2 of them. I found 2 pairs i liked and didn't find anything for the 3. rd pair, so i told my then girlfriend to pick something for herself and we'll get to the checkout. She browsed some shoes for herself and I have found something that i think looks good that she could take. I didn't force her to take my recommendation and so she has chosen the pair of shoes, that i found to be good. So basically she got one pair of new shoes at no financial expense from me or her.

Some days later she has worn them i saw.

But still. Was it a cheap move from me?

not really
something else
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Was this a cheapskate boyfriend type of move from me?
4 Opinion