How to make my husband want to be with me abain?

Husband asked for a divorce a few times these past few months and said he wasn’t happy. Asked again last week and me and him went out on a date and he said we could work on it. We had lots of sex for a few days, but now I feel like we’re back to square one. He’s distant, and seems unhappy and always agitated. If I come near him he usually takes a step back. He’s doesn’t really say sweet things or love you or anything back. I want my marriage to work. But feel like he’s lost interst. How can I get him to regain interest back and pursue me again? Because I feel like I’m always chasing him lately and trying to get kisses and bits of love. Please help me get him to gain interest again and start pursuing me and wanting me again!!!

How to make my husband want to be with me abain?
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