Are you a emotional care taker or manipulator? You need to know and look for the signs in order to protect yourself in any relationship?


An Emotional Caretaker is some own who avoids conflict in order to appease the other half the relationship in order to make them happy. They do this because the genuinely care for the other person and would rather themselves feel upset, hurt or anger then to cause the one they love to be hurt or upset. The long-term hope for the caretaker is that it the relationship will improve over time and eventually the other person will love and respect them on the same level that they love and respect their partner.

An Emotional Manipulator is some who is magnetically drawn to a caretaker, regardless of what the caretake does for them there is always a higher expectation for more. They make it hard for a caretaker to set boundaries or stand their ground an issue, because they constantly crossing lines or changing the aim of their target by deflecting and redirecting conversations or disagreement into other fronts and areas. Until it because too much for the caretaker to want to persist in the argument.

Most Caretakers do not see themselves as victims. Manipulators make themselves the victim in every scenario and do not always consciously know or acknowledge to themselves that the are using or taking advantage of anyone.

SO I will assume most will manipulators would never admit to be being one and by and large I do no think a true emotional manipulator has a complete grasp on who and what they really are. Most of time the behaviors of the manipulator are very subtle, passive and subconscious. They easily justify everything by making themselves the victim, and there by justifying their behaviors.,health%20and%20well-being%20needs.

Caretaker all the way!
Manipulator, there is always more!
It balances out at some point.
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So for me I became the caretaker more by accident then on purpose. It was just easier to do the things she wanted then argue about everything. It wasn't because I cared so much about making her anger or upset... it literally was because I did not want to deal with her or having to hear about it. She was so passive aggressive that when you didn't let her have her way she just make life 10 time more terrible then the 10 times more terrible than it already was.
Are you a emotional care taker or manipulator? You need to know and look for the signs in order to protect yourself in any relationship?
6 Opinion