Am I wrong to be upset about this whole situation with my partner (please help)?


I have not been in a good head space lately so I truly need some insight on whether or not I'm overreacting. So basically I sit home all day with our 3 kids and a dog while working FT. I do 90% of all the cooking and cleaning because my partner is gone most hours of the day at his own job. He gets home just after 6pm. So I've been really burnt out and struggling with intimacy/empathy/touched out feelings. I'm just so exhausted mentally that I am getting bothered a lot.

My fiance saw this and suggested we get out of the house today. He wanted to bring us all hiking so I could get some fresh air and not be confined to these 4 walls. Everything was great until this morning. As soon as he woke up (6am) he called his hyper active dog on the bed and she was scratching/digging and acting like a maniac all over me while trying to get my fiance. I was still half asleep and didn't want the dog on me at all so I told her to get off me. My fiance gets angry and says "I'm convinced you fucking hate my dog", which for whatever reason just made me start crying because like I said, I'm mentally exhausted and now being accused of something simply for not wanting to be attacked was a smack to the face. Especially where he knows my mental state currently.

Well, he ends up just raising his voice when he sees me crying and walks out. He leaves with his dog and went on the hiking trip without me and the kids. I text him and asked if he had seriously ditched us here, when this was supposed to be a day of getting me out of the house. He calls and was like "If you want I can come grab you. I'm already at the trail." So I tell him no, nevermind. He says "Don't say I didn't offer", so I told him "It's the principle of it. This was supposed to be a day for me and you took off with your dog and did it without me. So no, I don't want to go with someone who doesn't want me there." He says I'm overreacting because he offered to come get me after he was already 40 minutes away at the mountain.

Am I wrong to be upset about this whole situation with my partner (please help)?
3 Opinion