I was stupid, but is she giving me another chance?


So I've been seeing a girl for about 11 months and the 3 months ago we began dating. Things went well until they didn't. She became cold and distant one day when things were going well and I panicked. She had initially only gone distant because of stress at work, however me not liking her stressed tried to show I cared and make her laugh, but I would only end up making things worse and irritate her.

I did get a bit frustrated and upset that she began to snap and go cold on me when I felt I was only trying to help (her reactions were completely justified when I look back) and this led to her calling me whiney. The last 4 or 5 weeks have been nothing but her losing interest in me and me wanting to get it back until eventually she told her friends that she's finished with me and has no interest in 'us' anymore.

I decided to take a step back and reevaluate. Her going distant due to stress made me worried she lost interest, then my attempts to make her smile at stupid times irritated her and its spiraled since. Since taking a step back I noticed that there were 2 or 3 times recently where she'd slowly open the door back to me a tiny fraction, but id be over eager with it and shed shut the door again. To her friends they feel that a year of happiness won't be thrown out the door for a few weeks of issues and that her telling me what I've done wrong and making small attempts is her trying to give me a chance. They also feel that the relationship going down when at its peak and me acting a certain way when she eas stressed means that her saying its over gives her time to think.

Last week I acted how she wanted and while things are still awkward and 'professional' it was the first time I made her laugh in 4 weeks. What's the next step from here? Because I genuinely care and don't want to lose her. I keep contact to minimum and won't mess up this time, but is there a this time? Have I still got a chance and how long will it take? How will I know?

I was stupid, but is she giving me another chance?
2 Opinion