How do I get over a breakup that was caused by my own stupidity and move on?


We had an argument over the phone last month. I was drunk, stupid and said some things I really regret. The next day, I felt like a complete idiot and I apologised to her but she asked me for time and I was giving it to her but after 2 weeks of no contact, she blocked me on Snapchat without saying anything. I’ve spoken to her friend who said that when she spoke to her about the situation she apparently said “she was going to get back in touch with me” but then blocked me, only a few weeks later. I know I messed up, I have spent the last month feeling awful about what I did and I’ve been trying to make things right with her by apologising, giving her space and waiting to see if she will give me a proper chance to talk with her over the phone or in person to properly apologise and explain myself. Whether I deserve another chance or not is completely up to her and I respect the decision she’s made. I’m just struggling to move on and stop thinking about her and how much I regret making the dumbest mistake of my life because I didn’t get to apologise properly or get any real closure with her. Which has been killing me everyday for the last month. I would appreciate some advice on how to move on and go forward with my life because I doubt she’s ever going to get in contact with me again as much as that hurts to think about.

How do I get over a breakup that was caused by my own stupidity and move on?
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