Ok seriously, why won't narcissists let you go, why do they follow you?

A couple days ago, I've received a notice that someone subscribed to my youtube channel. I checked it and there he was again, his name and picture.

I've blocked him. Neither me nor my family want him; he's dead to all of us. I'm already happy in my 2nd relationship. Why is he now following me on my youtube channel.

Even when a narcissist have caused enough damage and you've blocked them (even told them to get lost), why do they still follow you? What do they want?

1 y
First it's a ''Happy b-day'' text on my whatsapp on April, then he tried following my friend's page and putting likes (she blocked him too), then a couple annoymous accounts are sending my mother a friend request (she rejected them all) and now he follows me on youtube. WTH
Ok seriously, why won't narcissists let you go, why do they follow you?
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