Why Do Partners Claim Depression When They Are Upset?

A few years ago, I got really close to taking my own life. I was numb, both physically and mentally, and had been so for years. My sister also overdosed and nearly died in the hospital around the same time... I guess it's a hereditary depression. Im not on pills because I refused them. I rather meditate and deal with it on my own which I've learned to do so successfully, now my depressive episodes come rarely and don't last nearly as long !

Now, my last few girlfriends tend to use the word depression when they are upset over something. One girl lost her job so she says she is depressed, casually jokes about kiling herself etc, and it bothers me since I deal with that in a real way. Hearing that they feel depressed has started triggering my own depression and I find I have to work extra hard not to slip into that state again.

Sorry of the long explanation, but Id like an outside perspective as to how to approach this without dismissing what my girlfriends might be feeling...
With one of my exs I tried to explain this and she constantly fought me over it... eventually I had to walk away from her abuse
Why Do Partners Claim Depression When They Are Upset?
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