Am I being too harsh with my dad reaching out often?


So rewind to a few months ago, my dad used to reach out weekly or maybe every few weeks. At the time, my mom and I (parents are divorced) weren’t talking so not sure if my dad saw himself as the middle man. As soon as my mom and I start talking again, he begins reaching out more frequently. Maybe it’s a coincidence but my dad in my opinion reaches out too often while my mom reaches out just as often and for some reason it doesn’t bother me. My mom lives local and my dad lives in another state, we didn’t talk for 3 years and started again last year. Again he didn’t reach out that often until my mom and I started talking again. My dad just irks me I can’t put a finger on it well kind of but it’s hard to explain. This past weekend, I speak with him Saturday after he calls again from when I didn’t pick up that Tuesday. After we speak about an hr, he calls back about an hr after and I don’t pick up. Sunday, he calls me 4 times and I didn’t answer bc I was just frustrated. I know it’s not an emergency bc he usually texts after if he needs something. Yesterday, he calls again and I kind of chew him out for calling so much Sunday, he called to tell me about a show he watched and I had to ask if that REALLY warranted 4 calls in one day, like a text would’ve done the trick. Honestly I don’t understand why he needs to reach out so much we haven’t had an argument since 3+ years ago before we stopped talking. He only talks to his brother and isn’t on speaking terms with the rest of his family bc they’re assholes. I am kind of fed up with everyone sympathizing for him but I am alone too & don’t see anyone pitying me. My thing is what if I was married or had kids, I’d still be expected to devote my time to him? That isn’t my fault or obligation.

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Am I being too harsh with my dad reaching out often?
4 Opinion